


Little brother

Taciturn and Nonchalant

April 4th, 2019- June 19th, 2023

Doobie was a tri-color American guinea pig. I got him a day after I got Smudge, but I say they have the same birthday. He had a white base with tan/dark brown pants and eye spots, similar to the dutch colouration of guinea pigs. One of his legs was white and the other was tan similarly to his brother.

Doobie was the little brother in the Smudge and Doobie pairing. Doobie had smaller eyes than smudge with a mouth that seemed to quirk into a tiny smile. He was; despite his age; the leader of the duo. He always took charge of exploring a new area or yelling at me for food while his brother would follow suit. Doobie wasn't one to make much noise, but he had a loud personality! When taken out for floor time, Doobie would force himself in places he wasn't supposed to go and would often mess with me while I was on the floor. I would have to thoroughly Doobie proof any area, even the pigs’ own home! He was a fan of decorating the place and knocking things over. Doobie was comfortable with being picked up and petted, but if he was tired of you he’d definitely let you know! With a nip! Ouch ouch ouch!

Doobie was willing to eat anything. He liked pretty much more vegetables and all fruits. He was a fast eater, if you blinked he would probably be done with his meal by the time you opened your eyes! I recall him loving tomatoes, parsley, cilantro, and oranges the most.

Doobie was very fearless, even when he was sick. He was always brave and losing him hurt me immensely, but I braved the storm just like he did. He loved his medicine (so much that he got greedy) and would love to sit with me when things were difficult. When he was at his sickest, he would still play with his brother and nibble at my fingers. Even when he seemed so weak, he had the energy to knock something over just for the hell of it.

I hope you can see how lovely he was! Click here to see his gallery!